Christmas Songs - The joys of Christmas Songs All Year Round

Jesus refulsit omnium

"Jesus refulsit omnium" (Jesus, Light of All the Nations) is one oldest known examples of Christmas songs

"Jesus, Light of All the Nations" is one of the oldest surviving Christmas hymns in existence. The Latin title of the hymn is "Jesus refulsit omnium," and it is also known as "Jesus, Light of Every Nation" or "Jesus, Redemptor of the World." The hymn was written in the 4th century by St. Hilary of Poitiers, who was a theologian and bishop in what is now France.

The hymn focuses on the birth of Jesus Christ and the meaning of his coming to earth. The lyrics proclaim Jesus as the "light of all the nations," sent to bring salvation and peace to the world. The hymn speaks of the hope and joy that comes with the birth of Christ, and it is often sung during Christmas worship services.

In addition to its religious significance, "Jesus, Light of All the Nations" is also notable for its historical importance. As one of the oldest surviving Christmas hymns, it provides a window into the early Christian church and its beliefs and practices. The hymn's enduring popularity also speaks to the enduring significance of the Christmas story and the message of hope and redemption that it conveys.

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